Wallpaper Love... Part Deux

I've really been putting off decisions in this house... but I'm back in the game now!

I narrowed down the Powder Room wallpaper to these five beauties. I wanted to throw a *hissy fit* when Imperial Trellis didn't work with the existing subway tile wainscoting. Kidding. (The white color was a little too ivory-ish.) I really do love that pattern, don't you? Moving on...

I'm really liking the middle one. I think it's fun with the hexagon tile floor. What's your vote?

These pictures aren't my best work because the room is so tiny cozy. I mean, I was standing in the tub when I took these pictures. It was that, or take the picture while hanging off the crown molding.

Here's a better look at our pick:
Summer Palace Fret, Schumacher
I'm still secretly thinking about these two:
Maybe for the back of the basement book shelves?

1 comment:

  1. I LovE THESE wallpapers!! Love the one you picked!! also love the one on the end, Grey with white birds!! Cant wait to see it !!
