Farewell Summer

We survived day four of kindergarten. It was kind of a *big deal*. Peyton's bus picked her up at 8:46 and I made it to spinning class by 9:00... on foot... via a short cut through a nearby park. There were burs on my yoga pants. 
You just can't make this stuff up!

So, it's time to say good bye to summer. I feel like we covered most of our summer wish list and there is  still a little time to spare. Don't you feel rushed to fit everything in before the school year starts?

We made it up north a few times and clocked in some serious beach hours.

We planted an amazing garden and enjoyed all the herbs and veggies... they are still coming! I taught Peyton how to ride a bike without training wheels.
We even managed to have a few of those friends that you *hardly ever* get to see over for dinner.

... and last on our list was a lemonade stand.

{We know how to spell lemonade. The *e* was hiding... it was such a windy day!}

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

*      *      *

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh mama! (im just catching up on a bajillion blogs) I cant believe Peyton is in Kindergarten!!! So exciting/sad/crazy!! I wonder if we will ever see eachother again! lol!! I sure hope so, we miss you guys!
